"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus..."
~Matthew 1:21~
Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you all have a beautiful day as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and may you enjoy many blessings in the coming year.
A place to post my sewing and craft projects and anything else I fancy.
Now, the actual finished pictures...
The Front
I found this a very easy pattern to work with and my only regret is that I made it a tad too big but at least that will give me lots of ease. I love the wrap style and it is very easy to put on. I think next time I will make it in a cute print with little flowers and do the housedress instead. That is in the future of course! :-)
Many thanks to both of my sisters, T.W for being the patient model and Kyna for allowing me to use her vintage patterns. :-)
And now....