Monday, January 31, 2011

More of Roy's Cuteness

No teeth so far but he sure does like his fingers.

*Grin* Feeling a little shy?

About to let out a yell!

Relaxing. (This picture is not staged. Roy posed his toy all by his little self. ;-)

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Best Invention

 My crock-pot has been marvelous for those days when I'm in town all day shopping and I need something quick but healthy for dinner. Coming in the front door of our cabin and smelling the wonderful aroma after a long day of running errands and only having to add a few finishing touches and then just dish dinner up is awe-some!!!
A favorite of ours is a roast with potatoes, carrots and gravy. Nothing like a good Irish dinner to fill you up!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My new truck.

I've had it for a few months and I absolutely love it! For starters I feel taller than everyone else on the road and for someone who is always being teased about being short, it's a grand feeling! :-D Plus, getting Roy in and out of the back is so much easier with 4-doors instead of only 2-doors and that is wonderful to me. Now I just need to start lifting weights so I can reach his car-seat to get him in and out! (Just kidding! It is tall but I don't have any trouble. Honest! ;-) Another good thing is that I feel like I could go anywhere in it and I won't get stuck, snow and ice don't seem to trouble "Lariat" and even though I'm still cautious in aforementioned conditions I feel much safer knowing I won't get stuck trying to drive up an icy mountain and start sliding backwards and sideways towards the drop-off. (Its happened before in a Mini-van and lets just say it was a little worrisome, trying to brake when you're sliding and nothing's happening makes for a interesting drive to say the least.;-) Anyways, I really like it and it is an awesome truck.


Dirty (And no, I didn't go mudding, that's all from driving on our driveway. :-)

 Nice and clean!

 Do any of my readers think I post about too many odd things? ;-)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Updates for the New Year!

I decided to take a break from blogging over the holidays and I know I should've let ya'll know but it slipped my mind with all the busyness of the season, but I've several posts planned for the next month that I hope ya'll will enjoy.

For the first post I've got new pictures of my little man Roy to share. He has grown up so much in the past month that I'm starting to feel a little bit old. ;-) 

He prefers his hat on sideways so it doesn't fall over his eyes, he gets quite distraught if he can't see. (Its rather cute really but don't tell him that! ;-) ) He has also started scooting around which is the beginning stage of crawling in my opinion. He definitely gets where he wants to go and we're going to have to get baby gates soon I'm thinking. He has also started saying "ma-ma" when he wants something, I don't think he's figured out that I'm "Mama" yet but he has figured out that if he wants attention, it works much better than fussing. And that's more than alright with me! :-)

I'd better sign off now, its time to finish up shopping and head home so Roy can stick to his schedule, he's a much happier little fella if he knows what to expect and when.

More later dear readers!